Tile Grout Restoration in Burlington
Tile grout restoration services
On a regular basis having your tile grout restoration done will reduce the damage to your house and eliminate expensive repairs. There may be good reasons to install carpets and equally good reasons to install tiles. While it is a personal preference, no one can deny the ease of maintenance on tile flooring is far exceeds that of carpet flooring. Tiles for flooring can be excellent choice for hallways, kitchens, washrooms even for main living areas as tiles are much less absorbent that the carpets. Especially high traffic areas where constant cleaning required due to spillages of liquid and oils etc. Tiles maybe easier to wipe with just a damp cloth doesn’t mean that they are completely free from dirt and grime. Having professionally done tile grout restoration and cleaning can eliminate lot of these issues and bring the Brite & Shine your tiles deserve.
Why us?
Most tile and grout cleaners rely on water pressure or steam to clean hard surface flooring. These tile cleaning methods can be inefficient and, in some cases can actually damage your tile and grout flooring! We use the Rotovac 360 because it uses a combination of rotary nylon cleaning brush bristles, spray jets AND vacuum slots to thoroughly clean tile and grout. The spray jets can use heated or unheated water at high pressure while the nylon brush bristles scrub the floor surface, the vacuum slots then suck up the water, grime and grit and results in clean, sparkling tile and brilliant grout once again
Call us at (416) 894-0379 for free estimate